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⇒ PDF Free Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey

Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey

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Reading Order
1. Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue
2. Molly Fyde and the Land of Light
3. Molly Fyde and the Blood of Billions
4. Molly Fyde and the Fight for Peace

What began for Molly as a simple journey to retrieve her father’s old spaceship, has turned into an epic adventure with far-reaching consequences. For years, she dreamed of reconnecting with her past. Now she’s going to meet it in a way she never expected Head-on.

Her father is alive. Her mother’s memories are trapped inside his old ship. She’s on the run from her very own Navy, and now has been tasked with the impossible
Rescue her parents. Save the galaxy. End a war.

Before she can begin, however, Molly must first help a friend in need. One of her crew members is in trouble, a life hanging by a slender thread. There’s only one place to turn the home world of Humanity’s sworn enemy, the very race Molly and Cole have been trained to meet in battle and have been conditioned to fear and loathe.

Planet Drenard. The next stop for the starship Parsona.

Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey

I love the book Wool and I have read several of the series of stories written by Hugh Howey. Based on this I purchased this series and also the audio books to listen to. I soon found that for me these books were slow moving and frankly boring. I felt like I was reading a book written for a young adult and I could not finish the book after reading 65 %. I actually stopped reading this book and listening to the audio version and I read 5 other books. I never do that. This is one of a handful of books that I could not finish out of the thousands of books that I have read in my lifetime. A rare occurrence for me.

If you are looking for solid Sci-Fi, action and a good story I could not find it in this book and I finally gave up. It is not badly written, it just isn't entertaining for me. Listening to a ship’s computer, that claims to be the young female captain’s mom, lecture her about her love life is just boring. If I hear the comment one more time that someone says, “I can't tell you that, it's a secret,” I will be ill. If you can't tell what is going on then don't waste pages of a book leading up to that statement multiple times!

I love the imagination that many Sci-Fi authors put into their books based on the technologies and theories we have today about the universe. I want the science in my Science Fiction to be real enough that I believe that what they are doing is possible. In this book there were just too many things stated that did not follow science and when I stop reading to think about how silly something written in the book is, I lose interest. Investigate the science, have it proof read by a science teacher, gear up the book to a more adult level and I would have finished it but as it is I set it aside.

If you like solid Sci-Fi then this isn't the book for you unless you are in your young teenager years. 2 stars. Why 2 stars and not 1? It may of interest to some people and it is a well written book but like I said, it is just not interesting for me.

Product details

  • File Size 2903 KB
  • Print Length 549 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Broad Reach Publishing (January 1, 2010)
  • Publication Date January 1, 2010
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey

Tags : Molly Fyde and the Land of Light (The Bern Saga Book 2) - Kindle edition by Hugh Howey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Molly Fyde and the Land of Light (The Bern Saga Book 2).,ebook,Hugh Howey,Molly Fyde and the Land of Light (The Bern Saga Book 2),Broad Reach Publishing,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera
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Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey Reviews

If you love Sci-Fi, then you'll love this series!!
Lately I've been seeing a plethora of books that have teenagers or other young people as the main characters. Most of the ones I have read are good, some are not, others are terrible, but this series by Hugh Howey is incredible! The two main characters are teenagers and Mr. Howey is able to write them realistically as youngsters and at the same time this series is not for kids. I was hesitant at first to read this series because it is so different than the entirety of the Wool series, which was masterfully written. But Mr. Howey has created a universe where humans are a malformed creation of a race that can make the universe into whatever image it wants.

The scale is vast and the adventure spans the galaxy going in and out of hyperspace.
A few days ago, I found myself starting several free samples I had downloaded on my reader. Nothing appealed to me. After ten, five or two pages, sometimes even after one paragraph, I inevitably gave up. In the back of my mind, a voice kept telling me "Why delay it any longer? Why lie to yourself? You know there is still a handful of Hugh Howey books you haven't read yet, so let's go already!". At the same time, I was afraid even that wouldn't work, as I was a little tired, and maybe I had been reading too much too fast over the last few days. Perhaps even Hugh wouldn't pull me out of this torpor.

I shouldn't have doubted either him or the little voice. After two lines of Molly Fyde and the Land of Light, all my problems were solved. It's funny how some authors manage to grip you instantly and take you away from your surroundings. From the introduction, I felt like I was in space with the characters I had already learned to love with The Parsona Rescue. Disbelief completely suspended. I don't care whether some situations aren't realistic on a scientific level, or if the roller coaster pattern of the story might be a little cliché. As a Drenard explains to Cole, in a metaphorical and metafictional way "Things beginning and ending the same way. The same conflicts with the same resolutions. It keeps going, but not on its own. Each cycle requires work." What matters to me is that it's done right you care for the characters and you are entertained by the various situations they find themselves into. After reading "Wool" and "I, Zombie", I don't consider the Molly Fyde series as a minor piece of work, though it's clear that it could appeal to younger readers I actually marvel at the author's versatility.

Amazing how someone able to pull so much poignant grimness in some books can also make you laugh out loud in others. I did just that on more than one occasion with this second episode, for example when Molly speaks Drenard in front of a dumbfounded Cole, or when Edison is facing a Drenard aboard Parsona "This situation is non-optimal, and the spatial requirements of our combined forms are not adequately met by the dimensional constraints of my room." Which is Glemot talk for something like "I have a bad feeling about this. This town ain't big enough for the both of us." Even more amazing is that even in a tight situation there's comic relief for the reader. It takes some talent to make you go from one emotion to another in a second like that, proving that the rollercoaster mentioned above is actually more than an accumulation of action scenes.

Reaching out, communicating, connecting, breaking the ice this talent is a matter of life and death for the characters. Lose that, and everything goes to waste, as in Wool or I, Zombie, novels in which characters are either not true to their words or have lost them irremediably. "Any language is just a bunch of pixels", says Cole, but later on, when at a loss for words faced with the beauty of a strange new planet, he's the one to admit "He needed a label for what he was seeing, as if the word might bottle some of the splendor." Words are the most important factor of the story, and words have more power than laser guns. "Text on a nav screen" can become "the closest thing to a female role model" Molly has ever had. There's a long silent passage in which Molly, Cole and Walter must achieve something on their own, and their isolation can be felt by the reader it's like you stop breathing for a few chapters. When Molly is given back the ability to communicate with others, her feeling is that "It was like a mute watching someone return with their voice." Reciprocity is mandatory for survival. Feedback. In a society that seems so obsessed with seeing and being seen, Hugh Howey tends to be more about listening and being listened to. At any rate, words are this author's only weapons and he knows how to use them, how to put them together, and that's why we read and love his books. That's why we are so many who feel the need to tell him so publicly on , because we'd like to give him back a fraction of the thrill he created.. "Just tell me you love me. That's what the words are for. That's what you're feeling." (Molly to Cole)
The adventures continue for Molly in this very good sequel to the first book. This book is all about Mankind's enemy the Drenard as Molly takes the young Drenard, Anlyn, back to her home planet.

We also learn more about Molly's parents and what their assignment by the Navy was all about. As in the previous book, Molly once again leaves a few dead bodies in her wake. Although we learn what the War with the Drenards is really all about we must await the sequels for events to play out and for Molly to learn the actual fate of her father.
I love the book Wool and I have read several of the series of stories written by Hugh Howey. Based on this I purchased this series and also the audio books to listen to. I soon found that for me these books were slow moving and frankly boring. I felt like I was reading a book written for a young adult and I could not finish the book after reading 65 %. I actually stopped reading this book and listening to the audio version and I read 5 other books. I never do that. This is one of a handful of books that I could not finish out of the thousands of books that I have read in my lifetime. A rare occurrence for me.

If you are looking for solid Sci-Fi, action and a good story I could not find it in this book and I finally gave up. It is not badly written, it just isn't entertaining for me. Listening to a ship’s computer, that claims to be the young female captain’s mom, lecture her about her love life is just boring. If I hear the comment one more time that someone says, “I can't tell you that, it's a secret,” I will be ill. If you can't tell what is going on then don't waste pages of a book leading up to that statement multiple times!

I love the imagination that many Sci-Fi authors put into their books based on the technologies and theories we have today about the universe. I want the science in my Science Fiction to be real enough that I believe that what they are doing is possible. In this book there were just too many things stated that did not follow science and when I stop reading to think about how silly something written in the book is, I lose interest. Investigate the science, have it proof read by a science teacher, gear up the book to a more adult level and I would have finished it but as it is I set it aside.

If you like solid Sci-Fi then this isn't the book for you unless you are in your young teenager years. 2 stars. Why 2 stars and not 1? It may of interest to some people and it is a well written book but like I said, it is just not interesting for me.
Ebook PDF  Molly Fyde and the Land of Light The Bern Saga Book 2 eBook Hugh Howey

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